Burning Tradition [M]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Noelani Kekoa
Burning Tradition [M]
POSTED ON Jan 10, 2021 19:44:20 GMT
Noelani Kekoa Avatar


Noelani was busy minding his business and just exploring route 103 when he caught the sight of smoke rising in a bit away into the small forested area next to the route. He knew it was probably trouble and maybe he shouldn’t go but he was also curious of what was happening. Grumbling a bit to himself he turned and began jogging towards the source of the smoke.
The rising heat hit him first which meant that more then likely he was dealing with a fire and not just some wild pokemon using a fire type move. Something that was confirmed as soon as he passed a few final trees and emerged onto a clearing. His eye immediately landed on the old-style temple that was currently busy burning down. There were no people in the vicinity yet but there was a frantic Roselia waving its arms in distresses.
As soon as the pokemon saw him it was upon him making urgent sounds and waving towards the temple itself. Noelani knew what it was getting at and simply closed his eyes in resignation before releasing two of his pokemon. Once both Aloha and Octy martialized the alolan took out everything electronic and put it to the side before ordering the Octillery “Octy use Soak on both me and Aloha.”
Realizing what the plan was the Octillery swiftly followed the command and drenched both him and the Bewear in water with another sigh he could only mutter “This is going to suck.”


[attr="class","ooc-area"]a little note here — , tag2

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Hideo Kino
Burning Tradition [M]
POSTED ON Jan 11, 2021 1:53:28 GMT
Hideo Kino Avatar
Ah man. Ah jeez. Ah man. Ah jeez.

Even if fireworks were mostly visual entertainment, Hideo could still enjoy smelling the smoke or hearing the booms from the ones flying through the sky. When his brother told him he’d gotten fireworks they could try out, he’d assumed they were simple things like sparklers. Something small that they could just play around with.

He didn’t expect him to get an actual firework. He didn’t expect him to just light it. And he didn’t expect it to have been placed improperly, and fly further into the forest instead of in the sky.

Predictably, his brother ran off, leaving Hideo behind when the younger boy insisted on making sure they didn’t damage anything.

Hideo had to walk there by himself, with only his Ambipom’s aid to guide him there. It took them a while, and to his distress, the scent of smoke that lead them there was getting stronger.

Once they reached the temple, they could hear the ensuing blaze.

Ah shit,” the boy muttered. He was going to get in so much trouble for this.

If his parents found out.

At least he’d brought some water-types with him. Maybe he could contain this before it got out of hand. And it sounded like he wasn’t the only one here trying to contain the blaze. He didn’t know how much it had spread, but they had to stop it now.

He let out his Bibarel and Seismitoad, the two seeing the issue immediately. “Bibble, Swimcoach, you two gotta do what you can to stop that fire from spreading. Me and Pom are gonna go talk to that guy who’s helping.” The two water-types nodded, approaching the flames and letting loose with their respective water-attacks.

Hideo approached the other trainer, guided by Pom. He heard the water splashing nearby pretty quickly, and caught on to what the man was about to attempt. “Are you going in there?” he asked - fairly obvious he was, but he just had to make sure. “Be careful, mister. Me and my Pokemon can try to help put it out from outside.

The weather was starting to change - it was beginning to rain, thanks to his Seismitoad’s Rain Dance. But that was only going to slow the blaze down.

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July 13
Hau'oli City
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Noelani Kekoa
Burning Tradition [M]
POSTED ON Jan 11, 2021 14:50:21 GMT
Noelani Kekoa Avatar


Taking a few breaths to hype himself up for what he was about to do Noelani was almost ready to head inside. He was interrupted by someone else joining the clearing and heading towards him. Taking a look at the kid and the pokemon he released at the very least meant that it wouldn’t be just him trying to salvage things.
Releasing another sigh Noelani quickly replied “Yeah I have to, seems that there is someone inside being a dumbass more than likely. My Octillery only knows Soak and Ice beam so help containing the flames is greatly appreciated while I go drag the supposed idiot. You’ll be able to yea?”
The Roselia didn’t apricate it’s trained being called an idiot but it had no room to argue right now. Noelani also hoped that the kid would manage things on his side while he went inside….
Grumbling a bit more internally Noelani finally moved and dashed into the temple with Octy clinging to him on his back and shoulder and Aloha following behind him. As they entered the alolan muttered to his pokemon “Keep reapplying Soak periodically on us Octy.”
Thankfully the fire wasn’t so spread out to make navigating impossible and the smoke hadn’t reached major breathing hazard levels though Noelani still had to bring up his shirt to cover his mouth and nose while breathing.
The group stumbled around franticly inside the temple until finally finding who the Roselia had probably meant. It was girl around his age dressed in priestess grabs that was desperately trying to lug a chest almost as big as her.
He was almost stupefied at the scene and could only bark out “What the heck you doing you idiot.”
The response he got was an indignant shout of “Those are precious relics I can’t let them burn down. I’ll be skinned alive.”
That just made Noelani facepalm and mutter “Fucking really.” before gesturing to his Bewear to grab the chest and carry it outside. Thankfully his pokemon was more then able and did just that while the alolan just grabbed the priestess by the arm and dragged her out of the burning temple.
He finally released her once he was out side and near where the kid currently was. Seeing the posture of the woman he could only ask “You want to go back in, don’t you?”
“Of course, there are so many more pieces left and then there are the ornaments and statues spread on outer walkways and walls of the temple itself that have to be retrieved.”
Closing his eyes and thinking of happy thoughts Noelani tried to regain his balance before turning to the other trained “You heard her kid. She is crazy enough to go in back on her own. Which means I’ll need your help or well your pokemon’s. Think you can take care of removing the things outside the temple proper? She should be able to point what needs retrieved.”


[attr="class","ooc-area"]a little note here — , tag2

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Blue Star

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Hideo Kino
Burning Tradition [M]
POSTED ON Jan 11, 2021 18:04:45 GMT
Hideo Kino Avatar
Hideo’s heart skipped a beat when he heard there was someone in there. “Ah jeez. I hope they’re alright.” He’d feel awful if this fire actually killed someone. Even just hurting them would make him feel bad.

But there wasn’t much he could do about it; he knew way better than to try and wander around a burning building; even with the help of his Pokemon, he’d get himself burnt and lost very quickly, if he didn’t pass out from the smoke first. “Be careful, mister,” was all Hideo could say before the man ran in there.

Hideo hoped there wouldn’t be two people he’d have to save in there.

Bibble and Swimcoach were doing their best to help control the blaze, but it was clear which one was doing the better job; Bibble’s Water Gun paled in comparison to Swimcoach’s Hydro Pump. But neither were trying to compete, and they were making progress at controlling the fire from the outside.

Hideo could hear some arguing from inside the temple, though he couldn’t tell exactly what was being said. But he received a pretty good summary once they were outside again.

Unfortunately, the only Pokemon he had with him that was strong enough to lift larger statues, was busy keeping the blaze from getting any larger. But for the smaller things even he could carry? He had the perfect Pokemon for the job. “Pom, you heard her; there’s stuff we need to grab. She can tell what stuff you need to get, ok?

The Ambipom’s grin couldn’t be any larger, saluting the boy as she ran off. She had two hand-tails perfect for grabbing shiny stuff off walls, and she had the dexterity to do so without causing much damage. “Ok, miss, you can show us what we need to get. We can grab the smaller stuff.

The woman sighed, folding her arms as she looked at the burning temple once more. “Fine. I can show you what we need to save outside. But I’m going back in the second we’re done out here, so let’s be quick.

Hideo nodded, ready to follow her, Pom staying close-by as his other Pokemon kept blasting water at the blaze.

At least the rain was starting to intensify. It was making progress, but it wasn’t enough to stop the fire on its own.

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July 13
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Noelani Kekoa
Burning Tradition [M]
POSTED ON Jan 11, 2021 21:53:11 GMT
Noelani Kekoa Avatar

Damn crazy woman, it was the Akale island thing all over again. What sane person thinks setting the building on fire makes for nice date, probably the same kind that also thinks going back to retrieve measly relics from a burning temple is a normal thing. Noelani swore he had the worst luck sometimes.
Grumbling and swearing a bit under his breath the alolan returned to the temple his pokemon with him. Octy had started reapplying Soak more frequently now and breathing was starting to get a chore but no had to save the relics so the crazy girl doesn’t go and die. Pointing towards a statue Noelani ordered Aloha to pick it up and drag it outside while he himself took a few charms and a smaller statue in hand.
On his second trip back, he delved a bit further inside coughing and waving smoke away from his face. Looking around he found a compact shrine like box with a crystal sitting inside of it. It looked valuable enough but Noelani was currently more pissed and concerned with other thoughts to even think about taking it for himself even if might have been tempting to do so. Octy hit him with another wave of Soak as he bent down to pick it up. It was getting too hot to hold thing but thankfully his Octillery was resourceful enough and fire off a low powered Ice Beam that grazed it. It lowered its temperature and even didn’t damage it too much, hopefully.
Spitting at the ground and scrunching his face he turned to see how the kid was progressing. So far it seemed the crazy woman was directing him well enough. The fire was still picking up speed meaning they need more back up but if people hadn’t come yet that meant they were none close enough. Clicking his tongue in displeasure he quickly released his starter “Kala start heading towards the water while using Sweet Scent and try to gather and talk into helping us as many of the wild pokemon you can. Promises them food or whatever as long as they help.”
Seeing the situation at hand and not need much prompting the Bellossom just saluted and dashed into the trees with a sweet aroma already emitting from her.
Catching his breath for a few moments Noelani returned to the temple and him and the Bewear managed to save a few more valuables. Upon his third run it was starting to get almost unbearable inside the building so once he was outside the alolan spent a few moments just coughing and resting his hands on his knees. “Go help the kid with lifting stuff Aloha while I rest up a bit, Okay?”
The Bewear made a rumble of agreement and trudged off to offer help with the heavier stuff. Still Noelani shouted out a warning “Hey kid my Bewear is coming to help out. Just point him and he’ll listen.”


[attr="class","ooc-area"]a little note here — , tag2

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Hideo Kino
Burning Tradition [M]
POSTED ON Jan 12, 2021 1:18:37 GMT
Hideo Kino Avatar
All that practice Pom had “picking up” stuff when she was still an Aipom was paying off; she was able to pluck the ornaments off as easily as she moved, flowing around the temple as if she were dancing through it. The wide smile on her face would make it clear that she enjoying this, completely disregarding what was at stake. Whenever she would reach her carrying limit, she’d move a good deal away from the temple, dropping her “loot” with just a small degree of care before dashing off to gather another haul.

Hideo himself wasn’t able to help that much; his lack of sight made it very difficult for him to find what needed to be saved, and he didn’t want to risk getting himself caught in the burning temple. The woman had caught on to his disability rather quickly, avoiding scolding him for his inaction.

Fortunately, he was about to get some help. “Bewear…” He knew those as big strong bear Pokemon infamous for breaking people’s backs by hugging them. “...alright. We do need someone to help with the statues anyways.” Hopefully, this guy trained him well enough to stick to just hugging statues.

Of course, Hideo would have trouble directing him. But he did have a way around that issue: he took out another Pokeball, letting out his tiny Ribombee. “Pinky, I need you to help that Bewear find all the statues he needs to move away. Have him put them by where Pom’s dropping off those smaller pieces. Tap my finger if you understand.

He raised his index finger - and sure enough, the little bug tapped at it with his tiny “hands”. Pinky flew over to the Bewear, ready to direct him to each statue and guide him to where they had to be placed.

Hideo breathed a small sigh of relief, glad that much was getting done. He didn’t even mind that he was starting to get a bit soaked by the rain; a small price to pay for having a hand in causing this, even if unintentional.

All the while, Bibble and Swimcoach were doing their best to smother the flames. While Bibble still resorted to his modest Water Gun, Swimcoach was getting a little more creative, tossing mud at the temple. It was actually working, smothering the flames and preventing them from spreading back; it was easier to clean some dirt than to rebuild the entire thing, after all.

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Noelani Kekoa
Burning Tradition [M]
POSTED ON Jan 13, 2021 1:34:41 GMT
Noelani Kekoa Avatar


Noelani was still catching his breath but he made sure to keep an eye on Aloha just in case. Thankfully the Bewear was being accommodating and listening to the directions he was being given, not that he was rowdy or anything just acted odd sometimes. Slicking his soaked hair back the alolan released a breath and prepared himself for one more trip inside the temple.
Constant Soaks were being dropped on him as he moved through the burning structure until he reached one of the personal rooms that was relatively untouched from the fire still. Looking around to see what he would need to take Noelani was thankful for his experience as a thief. The reason being that it allowed him to pick out the things with the most value either monetary or sentimental.
Grabbing a near by bag he filled it with all he could before picking the rest of them in his arms even Octy stretched out one of his tentacles to hold a small book. The Octillery did have to hold it out a bit so it didn’t get hit by the Soaks. Lost of breath and struggling to not just cough out his lungs Noelani finally made it outside. Swiftly dropping the bag, he greedily took gulps of fresh air. He would probably need to have Morry apply a few Life Dews after this and also see a doctor in case of damages but he should be alright.
Not too soon after that from the trees returned Kala and it seemed the Bellossom had been successful in her endeavor to gather help from some wild pokemon. The group that followed her consisted from a Golduck, two Poliwhirl, a Quagsire and a Ludicolo leading a few Lombre and Lotad. Widening his eyes at the sheer amount of pokemon Noelani hoped his starter hadn’t offered too much for their help.
The wild pokemon would also need steering though and with grunt the alolan straightened himself and approached the group “Alright as my partner has no doubt shared, we need help in putting out the fire but to be most effective in that it might be best to split up. I would ask at least half to go towards the two other humans and help the trainer out.”
Noelani made sure to point towards the kid to accent his point of who the trainer was. Nodding their head in understanding a Quagsire and the Ludicolo with its group split off and headed off to the other side to join the kid. Hopefully the other trainer would be able to handle them. All that was left was handling the flames and maybe dragging a few more things from the outside of the temple.


[attr="class","ooc-area"]a little note here — , tag2

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Blue Star

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Hideo Kino
Burning Tradition [M]
POSTED ON Jan 13, 2021 21:03:28 GMT
Hideo Kino Avatar
Pom was more than sufficient at taking down whatever looked valuable enough - and the few things that weren’t that she was told to save anyways. And as for the heavy stuff, Pinky was doing a very good job directing the Bewear, barely even needing to move around on his own; the big bear was a nice big seat for him to sit on most of the time.

They’d managed to save just about everything they were asked to. All that was left was to actually quell the flames. Which, unfortunately, they weren’t managing to do well; Bibble just couldn’t get out enough waterpower to make a big difference, and Swimcoach’s methods were effective, but not enough to stop it on her own.

Hideo had no way of telling how they were doing with the fire, but he could tell it was still going on. “Come on, guys,” he muttered to himself. They had to stop it here, because he hadn’t thought to bring more water-types with him. It was his fault this place was on fire, and he was dumb enough to only bring two Pokemon that could deal with a mistake like this.

He balled up a fist. Dammit. He felt like such an idiot. Whatever Pokemon this shrine was dedicated to was gonna be pissed at him.

But just before he could really get down in the dumps, he could hear the arrival of many Pokemon. He’d completely missed that the other trainer here was responsible for these reinforcements, instead assuming it was some last-second miracle.

He could hear the other trainer order some of them to split off. Hideo wasn’t sure which ones he’d been sent, but he could only assume they knew some water attacks; they had to, or else they wouldn’t stop this fire in time.

He pointed over to where he heard his Pokemon hard at work. “Help them put out the flames. They may be able to give you all a better idea of where to aim.” The Quagsire and Ludicolo saluted him, rushing over to his Bibarel and Seismitoad to get a better assessment of the situation - and to know where to work best.

The combined effort of all the Pokemon would finally be enough; the blaze would start to recede, and if they kept this up, they could put it out. Sure, there’d be quite a bit of water (and mud) damage on top of what the fire did, but at least the temple would still be standing. Easier to fix a part of the building than rebuild the entire thing, right?

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Noelani Kekoa
Burning Tradition [M]
POSTED ON Jan 13, 2021 21:39:40 GMT
Noelani Kekoa Avatar


Sweaty and getting a bit tired Noelani nonetheless got to directing the group of wild pokemon that had been left with him. Having been inside Octy was great help in giving them suggestions on where they should focus on when dousing the flames with either water attacks or the odd mud related ones. The priestess had also moved back towards him and was currently inspecting the pile of items he had managed to drag out of the temple.
Picking up the book next to him he stretched out his arms and called out “I suppose you are looking for this?”
The moment he said that the girl quickly turned and then swiped the old tome out of his hand before hugging it possessively and muttering a “Thank God”. He couldn’t resist the chuckle before saying “So I was right on it being valuable eh?”
He only got a nod in answer but that didn’t deter the alolan and instead he continued “Well we’ve taken out most things and the flames won’t last very long so hey look on the bright side. The temple is saved.”
Noticing the pooling of tears in the girl’s eyes and quite sniffles that began to escape her Noelani could only awkwardly pat her shoulder in assurance. Not being comfortable in comforting crying people he could only awkwardly ramble on “It shouldn’t be too hard to repair the temple afterwards. It even seemed pretty abandoned so this will insure not only funds for repair but some popularity as well. Win, Win I say.”
It had the opposite effect of calming the priestess and her crying grew stronger only making the alolan grimace as they watched the flames finally get taken care of. Not wanting to stay too long after that less he also got hugged for his efforts Noelani shuffled away to giver space to the girl and to check on the kid. It was not an excuse to get away, no sir.
Moving towards the other trainer he could only throw out “Nice job kid.” Before stopping next to him and giving the boy a once over to see if he was alright. Turning his attention away and back to the temple Noelani spoke up “Well that should take care of things. I’ll be honest I’m surprised how well you kept your cool as well. We did pretty well overall thanks to that and it’ll only need repairs instead of it burning down complete.”
Pausing Noelani used the moment to rub his chin in thought before speaking once more “Shame we don’t know who did it though. Probably some punks or a wild fire type but I aint no detective and the urge to find out isn’t too big. You think you’ll be looking into this kid?”


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Blue Star

October 18th
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Ace Trainer
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Hideo Kino DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @hideo
Hideo Kino
Burning Tradition [M]
POSTED ON Jan 14, 2021 3:18:40 GMT
Hideo Kino Avatar
There was an undeniable fact that this whole situation proved: Hideo didn’t have much idea of what he was doing. When it came to taking care of Pokemon or battling, he was told he was pretty good. But in a less conventional situation, like a fire? All he could really do was relay what others told him and let his Pokemon act on their own.

He’d just been standing there the entire time, waiting for everyone else to fix this. Even if it was working, it was frustrating.

He was also listening, and though he couldn’t hear what the other trainer and the priestess lady were talking about, he could definitely hear the latter crying. That knot in his chest was getting tighter; this was his fault. He was the reason she was crying. If he’d just been a little more careful, told his brother not to fire that firework, none of this would’ve happened.

But if word got out he was responsible (even tangentially), his parents would never let him go out until he was an adult.

He couldn’t let them know.

Nobody could know.

Only once he couldn’t hear the sound of crackling fire could he finally let his guard down and relax, just a little bit. There was probably a ton of damage, but they’d managed to save a lot of stuff at least. And nobody got hurt or died.

But he still felt sick.

And yet the man approached him, telling him he did a good job. And that he was acting so cool under pressure. He had to, or he’d break down and just get in the way. “Th-thanks,” Hideo stammered out, “It’s...it’s good that we were able to save what we could. And we’re all ok-

He nearly froze up when the man openly pondered who was responsible. It took him a few seconds to respond. “I’m...uh..uh...sure whoever did this ran off by now. Not a good idea to stay around the scene, right?” Anything to deflect any potential blame from himself. “I wouldn’t know where to look. Not that I’d be much help with that.

To be honest, now that the problem was dealt with, he just wanted to get out of here.

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October 13
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TAG WITH @shiv
Burning Tradition [M]
POSTED ON Jan 14, 2021 6:53:15 GMT
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